WAR OF THE WORLDS 2023: A Servant of Two Networks

Conceived and Directed by Jaron Aviv Hollander
The Nafe Katter Theatre
November 30 – December 10, 2023

Breaking News! Aliens have landed in Hartford, Connecticut! Why are they here, what do they want, and just how much mayhem will the resulting 24-hour news coverage incite? HG Wells’ sci-fi masterpiece The War of The Worlds meets Carlo Goldoni’s commedia dell’arte classic The Servant of Two Masters in this hilarious exploration of fear, fascination, and the power of talking heads. A wild, improv-driven adventure. With puppets! 

War of the Worlds 2023 incorporates some scripted sections, but most of the dialog is improvised on the spot. Even the scripted sections may be re-interpreted and adapted. So, while much of the play will be the same night to night, some of it will be wildly different. And each performance will ultimately be a unique experience crafted by the performers and audience together in the room. Join us for this wild and very silly ride. 

Sponsored by UConn’s Human Rights Institute, celebrating over 21 years of examining the most pressing human rights questions and preparing the next generation of human rights leaders.




"...surprising, saucy, slapstick social satire."
Christopher Arnott, The Hartford Courant

“War of the Worlds 2023… is a must-see for absurdists"
James Fitzpatrick, The Daily Campus

Design Team:

Puppet Desiger | Jaron Hollander
Scenic Designer | Austin Kuhn
Lighting Designer | Kayo Tokuue
Costume Designer | Adrianne Williams
Sound Designer & Original Music | Jake Neighbors

Production Stage Manager | Alison Savino

The Company:

Alex Winnick
Weimy Montero Candelario
Charles Rusciano
Kaitlyn Oliva
Annie Tolis
Carlos Fruzetti

Jerry Harney
Melissa Carter
Thomas Tuke