That Poor Girl and How He Killed Her

By Jen Silverman
Directed by Matthew J. Pugliese
October 26 - November 5, 2017
Running Time: 75 minutes with no intermission
Recommended Ages: 15 and up (R) - This production addresses intense themes including sexual and physical violence and uses adult language.
Studio Theatre

Studio Workshop Series
Where is Alyssa Long? Last seen with a mysterious diplomat’s son, the disappearance of college student Alyssa Long leads her friends to start a social media campaign demanding justice. But justice for what exactly? As the social media bandwagon rolls on, discovering the truth about what happened to Alyssa becomes less important than who has posted the most recent video condemning her murder. Written by the emerging playwright Jen Silverman, the play offers a darkly comedic exploration of justice and activism in the age of social media.

Uncommon Sense Series Events

Dine with Design
Join us on Wednesday evenings prior to the show for dinner and conversation.
Wednesday, November 1 at 5:45pm in DRMU 103
Tickets are $25* each and seating is limited to 25 patrons.

Join us after the show for a conversation with the cast and creative team about the production.
Following the Thursday, November 2nd 7:30pm and Saturday, November 4th 2:00pm performances
*Does not include tickets to the show.

Explore the World of the Play
B ehind the Scenes of THAT POOR GIRL
Behind the Scenes - Design and Social Media


Scenic Design / Katherine Paik

Costume Design / Brighid DeAngelis

Lighting Design / Matthew Lazarus

Sound Design / Mitchell Prescott

Dramaturg / Lindsay Cummings and Elizabeth Mangan

Stage Manager / John Carpentier



Alyssa Long / Betty Smith 

Mackenzie / Elizabeth Jebran 

Briget / Lily Ling 

Bianca / Danielle Lewczyk 

Connor / Jack Dillon 

Jordan / Hunter Monroe 

Felix Maia / Harry Wendorff 

Kaylen / Ryan Rudewicz